Metroid News


  • News People Will Know When Metroid: Other M Arrives

    M for marketing

    With less than a month before the latest instalment in the Metroid series hits the shops, it's still not too late to tease gamers with what's in store when they take on the role of Samus Aran in Metroid: Other M. The side-scrolling, 3rd person action game has now got a new game page over on the Nintendo website; with more content to...


  • News New Metroid: Other M Footage Looks Intense

    ONM ODs on M:OM

    With a now-confirmed European release date of September 3rd to follow the North American launch on August 31st, the good ship Metroid: Other M is running at full-pelt now, with the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine running a week-long series of new footage. The first video shows off some of the new cinematics that will feature heavily...

  • News Metroid: Other M Launches Across Europe on 3rd September 2010

    Not long for Samus fans to wait now!

    Good news Euro friends, we’ve just had word from the Big N that Metroid: Other M will be launched across Europe on 3rd September. Only a few days behind the North American release date of 31st August which is nice. Not much longer to wait now! To whet your appetite for Team Ninja’s 2.5D reboot of the Metroid...

  • News Metroid: Other M to Reach Europe in September

    Advert tightens launch window

    We know that Metroid: Other M is landing in North America on August 31st, but so far there's been next-to no news about when the collaboration between Nintendo and Team Ninja would land on European shores. Now, a Nintendo advert on this week's trade magazine MCV UK offers a little clarification: September. That's all...


  • E3 2010 Metroid: Other M Trailer

    Samus's latest on the move

    Some things in the world of gaming never get old: stomping Goombas, matching gems, eating Octoroks. Here's one more for the list: watching this new Metroid: Other M trailer. Showing off less action and more exploration than previous trailers, it certainly looks like the game is shaping up nicely, with great cutscenes and a...

  • Rumour Metroid: Other M to Reach Europe on September 24th

    Just a few weeks after Japan

    We fully expect to hear more about Samus Aran's Wii-bound adventure Metroid: Other M next week, but Spanish site Pikmin Squad has just posted a rumour stating the game may be on its way to Europe before the end of September. Citing an unnamed Nintendo distributor, the site claims that September 24th is the date gamers...


  • News Don't Worry, You May Get More 2D Metroids

    "Certainly possible", says Yoshio Sakamoto

    As promising as Metroid: Other M looks, not everybody is happy with the direction the series has taken: some would be happier with a straightforward 2D Samus adventure like the days of old. Their prayers may not be falling on deaf ears either, as Metroid overlord Yoshio Sakamoto has hinted the flat...


  • News New Metroid: Other M Gameplay Trailer

    Nintendo throw us a bone with a new gameplay trailer of Samus' latest adventure

    Nintendo has today updated the Web site with a brand new trailer featuring gameplay from the upcoming Wii game Metroid: Other M. You can check out the trailer here: Only a few months to go until the game is released in the US followed by Europe later in the...


  • First Impressions Metroid: Other M

    Hit me baby, one more time

    As stunning as Retro Studios' Metroid Prime Trilogy undoubtedly is, we still fondly remember Samus Aran's formative years, and particularly the seminal Super Metroid. It seems we're not the only ones fond of this piece of the bounty hunter's history however, as Team Ninja and Tecmo's take on Nintendo's sci-fi franchise...



  • News Metroid is the Citizen Kane of Games

    Comparison confuses design director

    Outside of the gaming media, videogames rarely find much airspace, and at times suffer large-scale ‘video nasty’ shock stories. However, when ABC News ran a favourable webcast, comparing Metroid Prime Trilogy to Orson Welles' renowned cinematic classic Citizen Kane, Mark Pacini, the series' design director,...


  • News Prime Yourself for More Metroid

    Developer interview teases possible DS outing for Samus

    We may still be recovering from the majesty of Metroid Prime Trilogy, but a recent interview with the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine has unearthed an even more exciting titbit: there may be more Metroid Prime games on the way. Speaking to the magazine, Kensuke Tanabe of Nintendo said: We are...


  • News More Metroid Prime in the Pipeline?

    Developer interview hints that the series is far from over

    When Retro Studios put the finishing touches to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, it stated that it would be the final game in the series. The announcement of Metroid: Other M - which is being handled by Tecmo's Team Ninja - seemed to confirm this, despite the recent repackaging of all three...


  • Features Metroid's Metal Makeover

    How five guys blasted the series' haunting soundtrack into a whole different genre - without sucking

    The trouble with covering beloved music is that it’s so easy to lose something in the translation. Successfully capturing the original work’s intent and mood is atypical; what most often happens when things go south is the heart and soul of the...

  • News Metroid Prime: Trilogy Now Available for Wii

    Acclaimed first-person adventure series gets updated Wii Remote controls.

    Metroid Prime Trilogy hits North American store shelves today and now is your chance to experience these amazing classics again, two of them with completely updated Wii motion controls and 480p presentation. You can check out the official press release below for more...

  • News New Metroid Prime Trilogy Artwork

    Check out the new eye candy for the upcoming trilogy release.

    Nintendo has just sent over a bunch of new Metroid Prime Trilogy artwork and we have to admit, the more we see these Metroid Prime Trilogy goodies, the more we want to get our hands on the game. You can check out all of these new pieces of artwork below and as usual, we'll have more...


  • News Box Art: Metroid Prime Trilogy

    Take a look at the delicious Collector’s edition

    Our good pals over at Nintendo just sent over some sweet images of the box art for the upcoming Metroid Prime Trilogy: Collector’s Edition which you can see in our gallery below. Exclusive bonus content includes: Collector’s edition metal packaging Special Metroid Prime Trilogy art booklet 16x9...

  • News Phazon Suit Samus Figurine Lights Up Your Life

    Hand-painted figurines getting a limited run.

    Looking for what is possibly the coolest Metroid nightlight ever forged by the hands of man? First 4 Figures would like your attention for a moment. Pulling inspiration from the latter act of Metroid Prime, the elaborate figurine company's latest concoction is a hand-painted Phazon Suit Samus, standing...

  • News Metroid: Other M - Will Samus Get Sexy?

    Is our favourite space bounty hunter about to shed her suit?

    When Nintendo revealed that the next instalment in the massively popular Metroid series would be a collaboration with Japanese 'tits and ass' experts Team Ninja, more than a few eyebrows were raised. Those eyebrows were soon lowered when the trailer started rolling, which displays what...

  • News More Than One Metroid In The Pipeline?

    Metroid series director confirms existence of another Samus-based adventure

    Rumours regarding an all-new side-scrolling Metroid adventure have been doing the rounds pretty much since Metroid Prime 3: Corruption hit store shelves. Entitled Metroid Dread, this near-mythical game seemed to come into focus after Nintendo revealed Metroid: Other M at...

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