
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Rumor and Speculation Thread

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@Novamii You have to remember, the market isn't some fixed set of people. It's fluid. New folk are wanting ro buy a games machine every year (why MK8, GTA etc etc keep selling - they are system sellers.). There will be plenty of people who didn't have a Switch. There will be plenty of people who it will be their first console. They can release a delux version of BotW and it will sell really well. It's up to Nintendo to add something that will make folk want to rebuy it (like a new game with Zelda as the protagonist or somthing.) They did it with Xenoblade Chronicles. It's unlikely Nintendo will just release an upscaled version of a previous game without adding something to it unless the spirit of the game was a novelty (like 3d All stars celebrating an anniversary.) Like I saidm, I'd double dip anyway, but extra stuff is always appreciated.

Edited on by GrailUK

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


rallydefault wrote:

I don't get why everyone is treating this like brain surgery or the discovery of a new planet: They did this with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Hyrule Warriors, Tropical Freeze, etc. pretty much within a year of the Switch's launch.

The difference is you can't put a BluRay disc in a cartridge slot. And even if you could you can't run PPC code on ARM. And even then the Wii U sold less than 1/10th the number of consoles the Switch has

It's a different equation here. The assumption is that there will be near universal backwards compatibility because it's such an easy win here. Backwards compatibility will allow the Switch 2 to come out of the gate with a huge library. None of this was true for the Wii U to Switch transition. And if they do backwards compatibility the value of remasters of games already on Switch goes down for the people who can already play them via backwards compatibility

Basically, amongst people who have BotW and can play BotW on Switch 2 already via BC? The demand for BotW 4K will be lower. So, logically, it makes sense to charge a different price for "enhanced ports" to these users

I gladly picked up some of the Wii U ports on Switch because they were great games but I wasn't going to keep my Wii U plugged in just to play them. Plus the advantages of Switch were clear. If I could've run Mario Kart 8 on Switch just because I had 8 on Wii U? No chance I was buying 8 Deluxe

Edited on by skywake

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@Grumblevolcano @skywake

Ok, I see what you're saying in terms of the PS5 thing.

Doesn't change my thought, though: They're gonna do it and we all know it lol



1. T239 custom GPU
2. DLSS/RT/AI learning
3. 256G Storage
4. 8" OLED
5. Holo Joy-Con (no drifts)
6. 4K Docked upscaling
7. 1080p portable screen
8. 2tb expansion with two slots
9. eGPU DOCK rumor Switch 2 Dock has Fan
10. 16g RAM



@Grumblevolcano if the switch 2 is back compat, why is the option between playing the game you happen to own as is on the new system, or newcomers getting an enhanced version to go with their new hardware, a negative?



I mean fair, and they probably will. It's just that I'm not going to personally bother with it if it's full price again unless it's like a TotK level of new game. But a small fee would get me interested and if it was free for existing owners or as part of NSO that kind of precedent would be a solid reason for me to buy the console at launch right there

To be fair, I also skipped on Pokemon S/V while others clearly didn't. And I skipped Splatoon 3 because it felt like a bit of a cash grab to me but others clearly disagree given its sales. And I'll probably be picking up the Switch 2 on day 1 anyways.... but still

SwitchForce wrote:

5. Holo Joy-Con (no drifts)
6. 4K Docked upscaling
8. 2tb expansion with two slots
9. eGPU DOCK rumor Switch 2 Dock has Fan

Much doubt on these claims

5. Hall-Effect JoyCon? Sure, possible, haven't heard anything along those lines but outside of fan wishlists but

6. DLSS at the spec we're talking about probably won't be doing 4K. There will be some titles that can run 4K native and DLSS will also be used sure. But DLSS, I expect, will mostly be used to pull 480-720p output upto 1080p-1440p

8. I very much doubt. Don't expect anything more than microSD card expansion

9. Yeah, nah, not happening at all. There does appear to be a fan in the dock sure but it's just a fan. And in any case, why would you even use an eGPU for something like this? If they were going to spend extra on this hardware there are a million other places they could improve the spec before they could justify a GPU in the dock

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


SwitchForce wrote:

10. 16g RAM

It's 12 GB LPDDR5X RAM, confirmed with the same shipping details that confirmed 256 GB UFS 3.1. The dev kits may have 16 GB RAM, but that's just speculation at the moment



skywake wrote:

and if it was free for existing owners or as part of NSO

Nintendo has an opportunity to improve NSO's Expansion Pack Plus value proposition by adding Switch games remastered as a Switch 2 game into the catalog.

Drip feed them like any other NSO console app. Start with the oldest Switch games and work their way up, like Xenoblade 2, Odyssey, etc. Each remaster is a detailed rescaling of textures, art assets, lighting, density, etc.

For users who already own that Switch 1 game, it could be a one-time download unlocked with your subscription. But for people who haven't bought the game yet, it could act as every other NSO app and give you the full game download, as long as you are still subscribed with each 30-day check-in.

That is also why they should begin with the oldest games in Switch's library. Sure, some gamers still own Xenoblade 2, but wouldn't you enjoy experiencing it all over again, not just as a Switch game with stable resolution and fps, but also remade to look and feel like a proper Switch 2 game?

And before somebody says this is unnecessary, let me just say that the alternative is Nintendo completely ignoring 95% of Switch games for the next 10-15 years. I think great games like Xenoblade 2 were this close to fully realizing their potential. And as long as it just comes "free" with your NSO+ subscription, then why not?

skywake wrote:

8. I very much doubt. Don't expect anything more than microSD card expansion

Unrelated, I did hear a rumor saying Switch 2 will only support microSD Express, which is a next gen series of microSD cards, and older microSD cards will not be compatible.

This could be related to security, but I imagine this could be related to older microSD cards just not keeping up with Switch 2's new transfer speeds, which will be more than 10x faster.



Something I thought of in passing were games on the base Switch that already took the console's limitations into consideration. Games that offered things like 'performance mode' and such. Penny's Big Breakaway received a 60 fps mode patch, and while it might not be perfect, we can at least know it will be a lot more consistent on next-gen. There's plenty games that have uncapped/variable framerates and offer options for player preferences. I'm not sure how many there are, but I know of some I personally own like Bugsnax, Layers of Fear 2, The Talos Principle, etc.. I guess my main thought is that, if indies can add in their own ways of altering performance and visuals free of charge, it'd be pretty disappointing for Nintendo to not follow suit. And sure, it's not really fair to compare an indie game to a big AAA titles like Zelda, but I'd be remiss to not mention the games on Switch that already give options for better performance and such. Feel free to mention other titles with options like that if you know any, I'm genuinely interested.

Edited on by Novamii

I'm cringe, but I'm free.

My Current Games: I'm honestly not sure right now.


Would be interesting if they "only" support it given it's a backwards compatible standard. I guess they could by detecting the card speed. But yeah, I'm not entirely sure how they'll handle this. Even so, I'm not expecting more than just regular microSD card expansion

.... as a side note, there was a DF vid I saw re: GPU in the dock after I made that post. They rightly trashed it after bringing it up in a "do your taxes" pie in the sky money is no object wishlist of ideas. Their issue with the idea was that, as fun as it is, once you spend that much on a second, larger GPU and RAM to feed it you've basically made a second device. At that point why not just sell a full home console version

Then they, rightly, concluded that if you had eGPU money-is-no-object money to burn you'd first spend it on a high refresh rate, VRR and HDR capable OLED screen

Edited on by skywake

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


I would have thought when Nintendo were asking folk to make sure their games displayed in 4K, it's to take advantage of some sort of upscaling backwards compatabiity. XBox has some nice bc and it would be lovely if Nintendo mimiced that approach. It sounded like there was some pushback from third parties, mind. So who knows. Tears of the Kingdom may do it out of the box. BotW being a WiiU game may need a seperate release? No idea (as usual)

Edited on by GrailUK

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


What was the processor rumored to be again? Wasn't it all but confirmed it was a particular Tegra processor? And how it relates to established consoles (like compared to PS4 or PS4 Pro, etc.)?



The best way to describe it would be to say that it's like a trimmed mobile 3050 but with more memory available to it and a few additional tricks. There's no direct comparison really but you can get a bit of an idea by looking around at benchmarks of stuff in that ballpark

My favoured comparison, given I have one and know how it performs, it to use the 1660Ti as a bit of a yardstick. It's a couple of GPU generations behind and definitely has a higher clock than Switch 2 will have. But the core count is the same.

Basically, comfortably better than PS4. But beyond that you're playing with fire a bit. At some things it will be able to outclass the Series S. Other things it'll be under PS4 Pro

Edited on by skywake

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Again, lots of variables so hard to say but broadly power draw we're talking about will be very similar to the Switch. And while it will have a large screen that presumably consumes more, esp over the OLED if it's an LCD, that'll also make space for them to put in a larger battery. So make of all that what you will

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@skywake rumors claimed it would be next-gen LCD tech: more battery efficient, closer to OLED in color vibrancy, while still remaining more cost-effective than official OLED licensing. We'll have to wait and see, but more likely than not Nintendo won't just use outdated LCD in its old format.

Edited on by Ulysses



It's still pretty quiet on the specs that matter for the display but and I expect we probably won't get all our answers until people get it in their hands. We can be fairly confident of the size and, presumably, it being better than the launch Switch for the year and the price is a given. 1080p has also been mentioned so we can probably assume that

But what refresh rate does it support? Does it support HDR? If it supports HDR what is its peak brightness? Does it support VRR and if it does through what range of refresh rates? It is HDMI 2.1 so supporting all these things while it is docked is pretty much a given. But whether or not it also does these things in portable mode could make a huge difference

edit: As a side note, I've talked a bit about how much they could do with backwards compatibility. It is worth noting that even if BC mode doesn't improve the framerate or the resolution, including making portable run in "docked" mode. Even if you're still running off cartridge and so aren't getting any of the advantage of better storage. Even if there's no use of the hardware accelerated file compression. Games should still run better than they do on the Switch

There's just so much more CPU performance behind this thing it's going to be hard to not have games load significantly faster. Not eliminated entirely, that would require them to change the way the game loads in order to hide it behind the scenes somewhere. But significantly reduced. And I think even if they were to make improvements to how these games perform this right here will be the thing that people will notice

Case and point, DK:TF. You know that little animation that plays when you load a level and DK/Diddy are running left to right of screen? On Wii U you can get 4+ cycles of that, which was a huge pain point. On Switch it was significantly reduced and it's more like 2-3 cycles. A significant upgrade and part of what made re-buying that game worthwhile. But if you run the Wii U version of this game through an emulator and give it much-CPU, even when running off a slow mechanical HDD, you get less than one cycle. Every time

Something to look forward to on Switch 2

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@skywake So we won't get enough time to read the hints the give us on loading screens. How annoying! (/s - in case anyone needs it!)

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


Kinda interested in seeing HowLongToBeat time differences with the reduced load screens. Like, I wonder how many hours you'd cut off of BotW with minimal shrine/warp/respawn times. Load times in that game weren't the worst, but they certainly added up. Even if it's just like 1 hour, that's still 1 less hour of waiting around doing nothing.

Edited on by Novamii

I'm cringe, but I'm free.

My Current Games: I'm honestly not sure right now.


Novamii wrote:

Kinda interested in seeing HowLongToBeat time differences with the reduced load screens. Like, I wonder how many hours you'd cut off of BotW with minimal shrine/warp/respawn times. Load times in that game weren't the worst, but they certainly added up. Even if it's just like 1 hour, that's still 1 less hour of waiting around doing nothing.

The closest comparison I can think of is 3D World on Wii U versus Switch. Howlongtobeat says the Switch version is 30 minutes shorter. Not just loading screens, literally everything is a bit faster including movement on the Switch version.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241

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